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The Grandview School District has many volunteering options for parents, grandparents, community members and students. You can help with fundraising, field trips or recess. You can help in the classroom, office, library, or on the playground. You can be a coach, a mentor, or a guest speaker. The opportunities are huge!

The process is simple and the necessary paperwork is provided below. Please complete the paperwork and return to me in the District Administration building or e-mail it to me. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE at the end of the school year if you want to chaperone a field trip with your student. Thank you for your time, skills, and support for the students and schools!

Debi Foster
Volunteer Coordinator
(509) 882-8537

Volunteer News

All chaperones and volunteer coaches must register as volunteers. Grandview School District requires all chaperones and volunteer coaches to register as volunteers (unless they are District employees). This needs to be done at least two weeks prior to the field trip/activity. A background check will be done at no cost to the volunteer. It takes a few days to process and then the registration is good for a couple of years. Last minute registrations may be refused/declined. If you have any questions, please contact Debi Foster. 

Volunteer Paperwork