Welcome to the home of the Grandview Middle School counseling program. We have a staff of two counselors who work to provide a comprehensive counseling program that centers around the needs of our students.
Mission, Vision and Philosophy Statement
The mission statement of the Grandview School District Middle School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program which focuses on the academic, career and personal/social needs of all students. All students achieving at their highest levels - no excuses. Professional school counselors are a part of a dedicated team, which includes all staff members, parents, school board members and community members. Counselors provide support in order to assist students in preparing them to reach their full potential and to become well-educated, contributing members of society through appropriate guidance, individual learning support and responsive services.
Belief Statements
All students have the right to:
- Learn in a safe, fun and nurturing environment.
- Have access to state-certified, master-level school counselors.
- Participate in school guidance activities that support academic, career and social/emotional development.
- Be responsible for monitoring their own educational progress with the assistance of their caretakers, stakeholders and professional school counselors.
- Learn the skills necessary for making informed career, educational and lifetime choices.
The school counseling and guidance program will:
- Be based around prevention/intervention, crisis response, parent involvement and community outreach.
- Be managed by state-certified, masters-level school counselors.
- Consider students’ unique characteristics and needs in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program.
- Provide activities planned and coordinated by counseling staff in collaboration with district goals.
- Collaborate with available community resources.
School counselors will:
- Adhere to national and state school counseling program standards and ethical guidelines.
- Have access to professional development in order to maintain and improve the quality of the school counseling program.
Javier Alvarez
Joyce Golob
Yajaira Tovar